domingo, 2 de novembro de 2008

O lançamento do livro foi um sucesso... com muita gente legal e alunos queridos que foram lá conferir o teacher.
Na foto... Claudia e eu / Conrado e Carolina... moradores da casa desassombrada.

terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2008


Era noite de euforia
Fadas e anjos na correria
Todos queriam anunciar
O poder do amor e da magia

Enquanto estrelas ainda dormiam
A lua cheia com maestria
Iluminava o que seria
um momento de grande alegria

Jardins todos floridos
Passarinhos em sintonia
Rios e mares em harmonia
esperando a princesinha da poesia

Tique-taque, tique-taque
Os ponteiros com sabedoria
Proclamaram aos quatro cantos
A chegada da nossa Sofia


Give me an apple
My little apple tree
Give me one
Two or three

Give me, please!
I need to eat
Give me, now!
Juicy and sweet.

Give me the best!
I’m sure, you will.
Give me, my friend!
No matter what you feel.

Give me an apple
My little apple tree
I’m not a lumberjack
As you can see.

domingo, 19 de outubro de 2008


This my new book with a great friend - Claudia Sanches.

If you like haunted houses, witches, smart kids and Halloween... go to Porto Alegre Book Fair next November 1st, at 2 PM and get one book for you. I'll be there waiting for you.

C ya

BRUXA MERRECA E BRUXA ZAMYA - Viajando pelo Brasil

Hi, my dear new friends... this is my first book. It is about two cool witches and their trip through Brazil. They are going to participate in a congress in Brasília - capital of Brazil. Motobruxo is another nice character in this crazy story. If you like traveling, you can't miss this wonderful story.

sexta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2008


Welcome to my brand-new blog about stories for kids.
If you enjoy reading nice stories and poems, you´ll find them here.

Have fun with my stories!!!

Marion Cruz